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1988 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth Group A

Duncan Hamilton Rofgo Ltd

1988 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth Group A
Duncan Hamilton Rofgo Ltd

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United Kingdom



Year 1988


Group A Works


Highly Original


Ex Stig Blomqvist


Word Rally Car


Eligible for the worlds greatest events


Wonderfully original and useable on the road

‘D705 SVW’ remains one of the most original Ford works rally cars in existence, having competed for the factory in WRC with World Champion Stig Blomqvist and subsequently with Erwin Doctor as a works-backed car. Still complete with three-decade old stickers on the windows and fuel tank, and still covered in ‘works’ parts, this is a car that would truly fit into any great competition or rally collection.

With regular invites to Goodwood and the Eiffel Rally, ‘D705 SVW’ is as eligible and useable on the stages as it is on the way to the pub - whistling, popping and flaming!

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